Friday, July 23, 2010

The Race Between Hardware and Software

20-30 years ago, the PC world was much a different place. Hard drives weren't standard in all PC's, cpu's were in the single digits for mega hertz and PC networking was quite scarce. Despite these hardware limitations programmers managed to take their tiny amounts of memory and push it to its limits.

Now it seems we're given computer hardware right now out a science fiction book from 20 years ago, and we don't know what to do with it. Sure we have lots of cool software, but compared to the hardware we're given it doesn't look so hot. Lots of software languages are geared towards making software quick and easy, not efficient. Another issue is writing really advanced software is difficult and can require a lot of mathematics.

Well, I'm sure we are making progress in the right direction and here is a great example. This sort of thing wouldn't seem too impressive if it was in a Hollywood movie, but considering this is all done in real time, its quite amazing. Hopefully within the next few years this kind of technology will enter the gaming world. Until then I'll just stare longingly at my screen and dream.


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Thursday, July 15, 2010

"If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain "

Virtual Reality

It seems every day that passes our lives become more engrained with technology, and the more our lives become engrained with technology, the blurrier the boundary between the digital world and the real world becomes.

A simple example that effects just about everyone.... Facebook. It seems everyone is talking to everyone on Facebook these days. People are forging relationships and keeping in touch with people that they never would of before, because of Facebook. A stronger example would be WoW (World of Warcraft). For those who have no idea what World of Warcraft is, it's a Massively Multiplayer Online Roll Playing Game, where character take a roll in a virtual game world through an avatar that they create. World of Warcraft has has a huge influence on the real world... Here are some examples....

Virtual currencies are affecting real world economies....

Why not get MARRIED in a virtual world...

Or divorced because of one...

As soon as my kids are old enough to click a mouse....

Hopefully you can start to get the point, but it doesn't stop there. Virtual real estate is becoming a huge market.... is expecting to snag tens of millions when it finally sells. Thats the equivalent of an empty lot selling in the real world...

Some more on virtual real estate...

As usual when I start to think about this stuff, I start to think of where will we be in the future? The Internet has only been in the public eye for 15-some-odd years and already things are looking like they're from a science fiction book. What about 15 more years, 30 years, 50.. 100 years? I can't tell you, but these things do seem to have a snow ball effect so I'm sure its not going to end up the way I picture it.

All of this talking about virtual-digital-interweb stuff has made me hungry. I better login to Habo Hotel and get a bite to eat.

-Jared out

This blog posting is also available on the site of Stealth Web Designs, check it out!