20-30 years ago, the PC world was much a different place. Hard drives weren't standard in all PC's, cpu's were in the single digits for mega hertz and PC networking was quite scarce. Despite these hardware limitations programmers managed to take their tiny amounts of memory and push it to its limits.
Now it seems we're given computer hardware right now out a science fiction book from 20 years ago, and we don't know what to do with it. Sure we have lots of cool software, but compared to the hardware we're given it doesn't look so hot. Lots of software languages are geared towards making software quick and easy, not efficient. Another issue is writing really advanced software is difficult and can require a lot of mathematics.
Well, I'm sure we are making progress in the right direction and here is a great example. This sort of thing wouldn't seem too impressive if it was in a Hollywood movie, but considering this is all done in real time, its quite amazing. Hopefully within the next few years this kind of technology will enter the gaming world. Until then I'll just stare longingly at my screen and dream.
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